
Welcome all you weary wayward wisdom & common sense warriors!
All you unconventional thinkers, politically INcorrect, and post modern NONconformists, I call you family!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I was looking around on the internet today, especially at the most popular blogs to see if there were any out there that interested me to subscribe to.  Oh my goodness!  No, that is not a happy "oh my goodness" it is more of one trying to communicate my feelings of annoyance, frustration, shock and dismay.

What has happened to the opinions of people nowadays?  Doesn't anyone have anything worth talking about anymore? 

It really disturbed me to read such trash, so much bad advice about sex, so much sarcastic scandalous hype, people living only to insult others while all the time exalting themselves and their own opinions, or people pushing off their preposterous opinions of scientific THEORY (oh yes you Evolutionists, Darwinism was merely only a theory because there was never enough facts to elevate it to a Scientific Proof, one of which your beloved hero recanted before his death) as fact to an unsuspecting, naive public.  I even encountered some faith-based blogging, which I will admit was relieved to read and even momentarily subscribed to....momentarily being the key word there.  Even that was radical and extreme, I got a nose bleed just trying to climb up amongst the lofty opinions they have of themselves and their obvious works-based theologies.  Come on now, where is your humility?  Some people are so proud of their humility it seems. How is your "ministry blog" actually ministering to the needs of others and giving glory to God?

The people that are in love with themselves and the sound of their own keyboards clicking do have it all wrong.  Who do you know...seriously now think about this...who do you know that is worthy of such worship?  To me, everyone on God's green earth (and it does still belong to Him, He will not let us kill it off or take it away from Him or divert His plans for it) is not worthy of such devotion and fanship.  Are we really that hard up for idols to adore?  Pa-lease.  Give me a break.  How boring we are, how small-minded.  How typically unoriginal and boring.  Tantrums galore.  See me, see me look at me mommy.  Enough already!

Does anybody really go for all that self-promoted hype?  Does any of the scandalous, dirty, filthy, foul, lascivious, merciless, grandiose, negative, fatalistic, pessimistic bile that these MYOPIC people are spouting really ring true to anyone's heart, mind and common sensibilities?  Yeah well if you say that it does ring true, then all I have to say is that the Greeks had a word for that...bologney.  Liar liar pants on fire.  Hey you started it with your "let the spotlight be on only me no matter who I hurt or damage or what the consequences are" fit throwing contest to gain attention.  Egos are fun, aren't they?  Oh the joys of splashing about in the noisy wading pool of Freud's ID with all the other emotional infants and their peeps!

We're nothing more than a loud bunch of tree monkeys screeching up a raucous.  Oh, did Darwin just roll around in his grave?  Quick thought on that...show me the monkey that said...stop here!  I am finished evolving pal, I want to remain a monkey and only a monkey! ??  Uh huh, that's what I thought Cheetah lover.

I digress.  Back on topic.

Nothing they say or write about is uplifting to the soul, nourishing to the mind and heart, intriguing to the intellect, guiding in wisdom and direction, or makes you feel good about yourself or others, contributes anything worthwhile to the service and exhortation of others less fortunate, fills you with any sense of purpose or hope or fulfillment, gives you a feeling of hope or peace or joy...real long-lasting joy not just a cheap self-promoting, snide laugh.  It is like junk food to me.  Some of it tastes really good, it is cheap, readily available, and so easy to find and get your fingers around.  It will fill your belly too and give you a temporary "high" of satisfaction.  But...the loaded fat, salt and calories hurt your body, the preservatives and low grade food quality, freshness or nutritional value is so low that you will literally feel the negative effects, not immediately, but soon after ingesting.  Oh and think about the bonus of all those added love handles and fun excursions to the bathroom, yea! 

What person out there wouldn't always prefer a hot, tasty, healthy and nutritious meal if it were prepared for you too, by comparison?  Come on, you know I am talking about you!  Be honest with yourself and admit it.  The truth shall set you free....so free Willy, silly.

So, moral of the story is to say no to junk food blogs, mail, email, news, tv, movies, forums, music, art, education, polls, surveys, bulletins, text messages, FB statuses, tweets or most especially POPULAR OPINION.  Instead, scoot your boots up under the table that is spread wide with a bon a fide healthy feast!  Partake of it all that you want and share with others!  Become a gourmet chef of good stuff to feed the minds and souls of others as well as yourself.  I promise you that the scales of life will tip well in your favor!

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